10.01.2025We kindly inform that students of our university have an option to download a free version of software for simulation modeling – AnyLogic PLE.
Link to downloading a student version: AnyLogic PLE The software allows to simulate agent, discrete and dynamic models and to combine them into hybri...18.02.2020Matlab
18.02.2020Office 365 ProPlus Package
18.02.2020The WPUT University Information Technology Centre has launched a new VPN solution - Aruba VIA VPN.
Ultimately, the solution is to become the only stable method of access to the WPUT network. Aruba VIA VPN client supports most of the currently availa...30.01.2020WPUT wireless network
The wireless network service is available for undergraduates, doctoral students and employees (except for the accounts of units and organisations).30.01.2020Serwer VPN
30.01.2020STATISTICA 13.3
30.01.2020The University IT Centre informs that the license for Matlab software has been extended under the Total Academic Headcount (TAH) license.