The final version of the thesis should be uploaded by students through e-dziekanat. When a student uploads a dissertation file, the system checks the allowed file size - 20 MB. If, in particularly justified cases, the dissertattion is uploaded by Dean's Office staff from the level of DeanatXP system, the size of the uploaded file is not checked.
When uploading files to the university repository, the work file should be tagged as a dissertation file. When uploading files other than the dissertation file, no file tagging is required.
By default, the system sets the operating parameters as follows:
- - Written dissertation – Yes
- - Classified dissertation – No
- - Dissertation file corrupted – No
- - Diploma examination without dissertation - empty
Parameters 1, 2 and 3 are set in "Składniki" on the "Dyplom" tab and parameter 4 is set in the check box at the bottom of the Dyplom window.
After receiving the UAS report from the supervisor, a Dean's Office employee selects the check box Oświadczenie promotora o braku wystąpienia plagiatu on the Dyplom tab.
In the case of co-authored dissertations, the dissertation file should be uploaded by one co-author. The name of the dissertation file should be generated by the system. After uploading the dissertation file, a Dean's Office employee should enter the data of the co-author(s) of the dissertation into DziekanatXP on the Dyplom tab and set the correct value in the field Rodzaj rozliczenia dydaktyki - if the dissertation has two co-authors - "Podwójna". This action should not be performed before uploading of the dissertation file.
- "Diploma dissertation" scheme (format: ppsx, rozmiar: 48 kB) - from the subject to ORPD 2.0
- "Diploma dissertation scheme (format: ppsx, rozmiar: 48 kB) - from the subject to ORPD" (format: jpg, rozmiar: 177 kB)